

Functional nanomaterials labratory

Recent activities

  Will Join and have 2 presentations at the 2024 MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, December 1-6, 2024. The detail of presentations is HERE




2024.9.2 NEW!!
  A new journal paper was published, "Y. Iwasaki, R. Toyama, T. Yamazaki, Y. Igarash, M Kotsugi, Y. Sakuraba, Autonomous search for half-metallic materials with B2 structure, Sci. Technol. Adv. Mater. Methods, accepted (2024)"

  A new journal paper was published, "K. Omae, T. Yamazaki, K. Sano, C. Oka, J. Sakurai, S. Hata, Effect of Noise on Accuracy of Grain Size Evaluation by Magnetic Barkhausen Noise Analysis, International Journal of Automation Technology, 18, 4 (2024) pp. 528-536"

  A new journal paper was published, "T. Kato, R. Morisaki, T. Yamazaki, C. Oka, J. Sakurai, S. Hata, Prototype of parallel plate type fast atom beam source and its improvement of irradiation characteristics, International Journal of Automation Technology 18, 4 (2024) pp. 513-520"

  A new journal paper was published, "Ryunosuke Nagaoka, Ken Masuzawa, Alexandre Lira Foggiatto, Takahiro Yamazaki, Ippei Obayashi, Yasuaki Hiraoka, Chiharu Mitsumata, Masato Kotsugi, Quantification of the coercivity factor in soft magnetic materials at different frequencies using topological data analysis, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 30 May (2024)"

  A new journal paper was published, "Alexandre Lira Foggiatto, Ryunosuke Nagaoka, Michiki Taniwaki, Takahiro Yamazaki, Takeshi Ogasawara, Ippei Obayashi, Yasuaki Hiraoka, Chiharu Mitsumata, Masato Kotsugi, Analysis of the excess loss in high-frequency magnetization process through machine learning and topological data analysis, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 28 May (2024)"



  Joined a two-days CREST/Presto camp for "Exploring Innovative Materials in Unknown Search Space" at Shonan village center

  Happy new year. Follow your intuition.

  A new paper entitled "Soft Magnetostrictive Materials: Enhanced Magnetostriction of Fe‐Based Nanocrystalline Alloys via Ga Doping" as a co-auther in Scripta Materialia 242 (2024), 115956 is available online.

  Published a new paper entitled "Visualization of the Magnetostriction Mechanism in Fe-Ga Alloy Single Crystal Using Dimensionality Reduction Techniques" as a co-auther in IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, (2023), 59, 11.

  Oral presentation entitled "Towards Sustainable Cooling: Elastocaloric Effects and Phase Transition Characteristics of Superelastic Ni-Ti Alloys" at the session of Development of Mechanics of Functional Materials and Structures toward Sustainable Society at M&M2023 conference at Tsukuba University.

  Published a new paper as "Research in the U.S. during the COVID-19 Pandemic" in the Ceramics 'Crossroad', by the Japanese Society of Ceramics, Volume 58, Issue 9, 2023 (September 1, 2023).

  Published a review new paper as "Combinatorial Synthesis of Highly Corrosion-Resistant Nanocrystalline Alloys," in the "Materia" by The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials, Volume 62, Issue 9, 2023, pp. 600-605.

  Published a new paper as a co-auther entitled "Origin of negative anisotropic magnetoresistance effect in Fe0.75Co0.25 single-crystal thin films upon Ir addition" in Physical Review Materials, 7 (2023) 084401.

  Attended JAFOE (Japan Association of the Foundations of Engineering) 2023 as a general participant and presented our research entitled "Sustainable energy harvesting using functional magnetic materials"

  Published a new paper as a co-auther entitled "Strain measurement based on Magnetic Barkhausen noise for thin films" in Microelectronic Engineering, 279 (2023) 112057.

  Published a new paper as the first auther entitled "Tuning the Temperature Range of Superelastic Ni-Ti Alloys for Elastocaloric Cooling via Thermal Processing" in Journal of Physics: Energ, 5 (2023) 024020.

  Awarded a JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists (2nd) with a title of Designing magnetic heterostructures with tunable magnetoelastic coupling (No. 23K13636).

  Keynote speech, "Design of large and sensitive magnetostrictive composites for vibration energy harvesters" at international symposium, "Integrated Nanocomposites for Thermal and Kinetic Energy Harvesting (INTAKE) Seminar 2022".

  Started JST ACT-X project, "Iron-loss analysis of nanocrystalline magnetostrictive composite using magnetic Barkhausen noise" for 2.5 yrs.

  Newly opened my new website. Still some pages are under construction.

  Started new position, project assisitant professor at Tokyo University of Science
  Assigned to JST CREST project (Head: Dr. Iwasaki), "Exploring Innovative Materials in Unknown Search Space"
  Assigned to MEXT power electric project (Head: Prof. Okamoto), "Creation of ultra-low-loss magnetic materials"

  Returned to Japan from College Park, US.

  Started visiting researcher at University of Maryland, College Park, US

  Awarded a JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists

  Started as a JSPS postdoctoral fellow at Nagoya University

  Recieved Ph.D. degree in Materials Science and Engineering from Yokohama National University

  Awarded a Toden memorial fellowship

  Finished Master's program at Yokohama National University

  Finished Bachelor's program at Yokohama National University

  Graduated from Chigusa high school, Aichi


Brief biography

tyamazaki, Ph.D. is an adjunct assistant professor at Tokyo University of Science with an academic mission of multi-scale design for high-performance magnetic materials. He specializes in magnetic analysis using machine learning and synchrotron radiation. In 2019, He received his Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering from Yokohama National University, where his research focused on magnetostrictive materials with a new metallographic analysis using magnetic Barkhausen noise. As a JSPS Postdoctoral researcher for three years at Nagoya University, Japan, and the University of Maryland, US, he developed a measurement method combining his magnetic analysis technique, combinatorial thin-film synthesis, and machine learning algorithm. He currently leads his research of magnetic Barkhausen noise analysis and new nanocrystalline magnetic materials supported by the JSPS KAKENHI for Young Scientists since April 2020 and the JST ACT-X since October 2022.

Research area / keywords

My research mission is to design, model, develop the high-performance magnetic functional materials such as soft/ hard magnets, multi-ferroic materials, magnetoelastic materials and ferromagnetic shape memory alloys.

  • Solid-state physics
  • Magnetism
  • Materials science and engineering
  • Nanotechnology
  • Magnetic domain/ microstructure
  • Sintered alloys/ Thin films/ nanoparticles
  • soft/hard magnets
  • Synchrotron X-ray analysis
  • Micromagnetic simulation
  • Interpretable & unsupervised Machine learning
  • Persistent homology

E-mail to me

takahiro.yamazaki (at) rs.tus.ac.jp | rd070672 (at) gmail.com


Hard skills
Hardware skills to operate experimental instraments
  • Magnetron sputtering
  • Wet mixing method
  • Photolithography
  • Wafer process
  • SEM
  • EBSD
  • TEM
  • FIB
  • VSM
  • XRD
  • AFM
  • 3D printer
  • SPring-8/KEK
Soft skills
Software skills to calculate/simulate its property
  • VAPS
  • Wien2k
  • Quantum espresso
  • Mumax3
  • Ubermag
  • Solidworks
  • Linux/Ubuntu
  • Python
  • C++
  • CSS
  • Markdown
  • Git
  • VSCode
  • OriginPro
  • ImageJ
  • Notion
  • Illustrator

Work experiences

  • Oct. 2022 - Mar. 2025:

    Project researcher (JST CREST/INNOPEL)
    Department of Materials Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Science, Japan (Prof. Kotsugi)
    - Theme: Machine learning-based analysis for low-loss soft magnets

  • Jul. 2021 - Present:

    Visiting Researcher
    Research Center for Magnetic and Spintronic Materials, National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) (Group leader: Dr. T. Ohkubo)

  • Apr. 2022 - Mar. 2027:

    Project assistant professor
    Department of Materials Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Science, Japan (Prof. Kotsugi)
    - Theme (my own): Design of multifunctional nanocrystalline composites
    - Theme (JST CREST): Exploring Innovative Materials in Unknown Search Space
    - Theme (MEXT Power.elect.): Creation of ultra-low-loss magnetic materials

  • Apr. 2021 - present:

    Postdoctoral/visiting Researcher
    Department of Materials Science and Engineering, the University of Maryland, College Park, US (Prof. Takeuchi)
    - Theme: Microstructural improvement for NiTi elastocaloric alloys

  • Apr. 2019 - Mar. 2022:

    JSPS research fellowship (PD)
    Department of Micro-Nano Mechanical Science and Engineering, Nagoya University, Japan (Prof. Hata)
    - Theme: Conbinatorial synthesis of magnetic thin films


  • Apr. 2016 - Mar. 2019:

    Ph.D. in Materials Science
    - Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Yokohama National University, Japan
    - Supervised by Prof. Wataru Nakao
    - Thesis: Magnetic Barkhausen noise in FeCo magnetostrictive alloys

  • Apr. 2014 - Mar. 2016:

    MA in Physics
    - Department of Physics, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Yokohama National University, Japan
    - Supervised by Prof. Yuko Ichiyanagi
    - Thesis: Magnetic hyperthermia using magnetic nanoparticles

  • Apr. 2010 - Mar. 2014:

    BA in Physics
    - Department of Physics, College of Engineering, Yokohama National University, Japan
    - Supervised by Prof. Masatomo Uehara
    - Thesis: Doping effect on the new delafossite-type superconductors

Professional Memberships

Current Membership

  • The Magnetics Society of Japan (MSJ)
  • The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME)
  • The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan (ISIJ)

Past Membership

  • The Physical Society of Japan (JPS)
  • Japan Society of Applied Physics (JSAP)
  • The Society of Nano Science and Technology

Grants & Fellowships

  • 2023 FY - 2025 FY : KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists, 23K13636, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
  • 2022 FY - 2024 FY : JST ACT-X project (AI powered Research Innovation/Creation), JPMJAX22AL, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)
  • 2020 FY - 2022 FY : KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists, 20K14607, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
  • 2020 FY - 2021 FY : Marubun International Exchange Grant, Marubun Research Promotion Foundation
  • 2020 FY - 2021 FY : Research Grant, The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan
  • 2019 FY - 2021 FY : KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 19H02040 (Head Investigator: Prof. Hata)
  • 2019 FY - 2021 FY : JSPS Research Fellowship (PD), 19J02078, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
  • 2017 FY - 2019 FY : TEPCO Research Fellowship, TEPCO Memorial Foundation
  • 2016 FY - 2019 FY : YNU Research Fellowship, Yokohama National University

Awards & Honors

  • 2023 FY : 2023 JAFOE attendee, Japan Association of the Foundations of Engineering (JAFOE)
  • 2020 FY : Best Presentation Award, Nagoya University Job Fair event
  • 2019 FY : JSPS Research Fellowship (PD), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
  • 2019 FY : 11th HOPE attendee, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
  • 2017 FY : Award for Research Encouragement, The IUMRS International Conference on Advanced Materials 2017
  • 2015 FY : Best Poster Award, The 13th Conference of Nano Science and Technology

International activities

  • Jul. 2023 : 2023 Japan Association of the Foundations of Engineering (JAFOE) meeting @ Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan (4 days)
  • Apr. 2021 : Visiting Researcher @ University of Maryland, College Park, US (1 year)
  • Mar. 2019 : 11th HOPE meeting with Nobel laureates @ OIST, Okinawa, Japan (1 week)
  • Sep. 2015 : GO_UCSD technology commercialization training program @ UCSD, San Diego, US (2 weeks)
  • Feb. 2015 : Boston challenge program @ Cambridge Innovation Center (CIC), Boston, US (4 weeks)

Reviewer experiences

  • Jun. 2023 : Advanced Engineering Materials
  • Jun. 2023 : Journal of Applied Physics
  • May 2022 : Sensors and Actuators: A. Physical
  • Mar. 2019 : Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials


  • Feb. 2019 : Interview for the recommended picker, Economical media "NewsPicks"
  • Sep. 2017 : Press release for award for encouragement of research, Yokohama National University
  • May. 2015 : Press release for presentation award, Yokohama National University


  • Japanese: Native
  • English: Professional Working Proficiency
Resume Email me